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YEAR IN REVIEW: Blink-182 is founded.

1-5/1992 (undated):

  • Tom DeLonge, then in his junior year at Poway High School, is expelled after showing up inebriated to a basketball game. He is forced to attend the nearby Rancho Bernardo High School, where he befriends Kerry Key, a musician/photographer, and his girlfriend, Anne Hoppus.

  • At RBNS, Tom enters into a Battle of the Bands competition, performing his original song "Who's Gonna Shave Your Back Tonight?" Drummer Scott Raynor is in attendance, and is later introduced to DeLonge at a party by friend Paul Scott. They soon begin playing music together, shifting through a variety of bassists, according to Joe Shooman in Blink-182: The Bands, the Breakdown & the Return.

8/1/1992: Mark arrives in San Diego to attend Cal State San Marcos.

8/2/1992: The birth of Blink-182: Mark moves back to San Diego and his sister introduces him to Tom. They begin writing songs in his garage that night. Date confirmation here.


From Matty Boles (who was in a band with Scott pre-Blink 182) : "Before joining Blink 182, Scott was playing in a 3 piece band. I just found a recording we did in your room with Paul back in 1992. Yep I remember. I was there. Heheh. I would need to clear the release of recording with the guys in it first, been a few years since running into Scott. I can share this with you. A pic of us which got Tom Delonge psyched up to be in a band, which he took over to create BOET. Spring of 92. 25 years almost to the day. We were young. We were a 3 piece, Scott and the guitarist were very much into the harder metals, I played bass and grew up on the 80s New Romantic and Ska Stuff, Duran Duran, U2, English Beat and Oingo Boingo. None of us following the So Cal trend of pop punk. Surprised me when Scott went to Blink. I think this was technically our first band and it was 3 really talented kids exploring music and putting in their 2 cents." Picture


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